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Justanotherhuman9/24/2013 5:27:25 am PDT

One of GG’s acolytes has also tweeted another self-serving interview of GG in The Hindu, published as “opinion”:

In it, GG admits this:

“There have been attempts in the U.S. to criminalise journalism, as happened in the case of Fox News and AP? Doesn’t this bother you?

“They are already succeeding in creating a climate of fear against whistleblowers and sources. That’s why some federal lawyers have told me that, at least for now, I shouldn’t go back to the U.S. and I should not try to enter the country. It’s pretty extraordinary for American lawyers to tell an American journalist that you should not try to re-enter your own country for fear that they may try and arrest you. ” (my emphasis)

And the reporter himself didn’t even have to leave India: “Shobhan Saxena is a Sao Paulo-based Indian journalist. He is the first Indian journalist in entire South America, writing on politics, trade and football.”

The Hindu has been described as a left leaning, family owned newspaper.