
Monday Night Art: Steven Wilson, "Routine"

A Mom Anon11/03/2015 6:39:23 am PST

re: #84 HappyWarrior

That’s because she’s never lived in a world where she was expected to sit back and shut up while the men are talking. Yes the world is still like that, a lot, but the laws are a lot better than they were even when I was a kid. You could be fired for getting pregnant, denied a job for having kids at home. You couldn’t buy a car without your husband’s signature, my mom went through that. Abortion wasn’t legal. There was no talk ever of equal pay for equal work, and if there was, that was some new fangled lady nonsense, “isn’t that cute?”.

In school, up until 6th grade, girls were not allowed to wear jeans or pants of any kind. Dresses and skirts only. I was told that I could only be a teacher, waitress, secretary or Mom. Maybe a social worker of some kind. That was it. I had a male teacher in 6th grade who was really pissed he had to waste his time teaching girls science and math. He vocally stated it IN CLASS that he thought girls were too dumb to bother with this sort of nonsense. It was a waste of his time. I graduated high school in 1978, this was not THAT long ago.

This is why she is such a nitwit, she truly has never had to experience any of this personally. And for conservatives, if it doesn’t happen to them, it never happens to anyone.