
Colbert: Are We Really Proud of Trump for Not Ruining a Funeral? [VIDEO]

KGxvi12/07/2018 2:06:39 pm PST

re: #88 dangerman

i realize you said appellate court.

notice the supreme court recent history and see any pattern?
kavanaugh 50-48
gorsuch 54-45
kagan 63-37
sotomayor 63-31
alito 58-42
roberts 78-22
breyer 87-9
ginsburg 96-3
thomas 52-48
souter 90-9
kennedy 97-0
bork 42-58
scalia 98-0

i realize what simple majority means, and that cloture is a joke
still, personally, any vote as close as thomas, gorsuch, kavanaugh, even alito should be a no go

it shows how desperate the in power party is and how actually objectively awful the nominee is

It does seem we’re entering (or are already in) an era where Supreme Court picks are going to be rather partisan. Even Sotomayer and Kagan had rather “close” votes. I suspect looking at the last six years of Clinton, Bush, and Obama will show a trend like that at the appellate level as well.