
New From Seth Meyers: Impeachment Managers Make Powerful Case Against Trump to Open Trial

Joe Bacon ✅2/09/2021 10:58:20 pm PST

re: #118 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

My opinion of the antivaxxer crowd is they are a danger to society and should be treated as such. They should be placed outside any public venue until they are no longer a threat.

I was almost killed by an antivaxxer’s kid in 2012, I’d rather not repeat that.

Memories of the measles pandemic in 1962. Wicked strain left me bedridden for 3 weeks. Could barely walk to the toilet. Mom had problems getting me to eat anything until she hit on the idea of mixing fruit cocktail in cottage cheese. It hit every kid in my 2nd grade class One of the girls wound up blinded from retinal hemorrhages. One boy died from a massive cerebral hemorrhage. My temperature stayed between 102-103 for 3 weeks. Mom kept me in my bedroom with the shades pulled so it was always dark. She pulled a chair right next to my bed and she would not leave me.

Mom and Dad lost 2 daughters before I was born. Those deaths scarred them and Mom said over and over she wasn’t going to lose another child.

It took a long time to recover from that virus. So when that fucking asshole RFK Jr. shoots his mouth off about vaccines I wish someone would tell that asshole to shut the fuck up!