
Video: Jordan Klepper Takes on a Handful of Trump Arrest Protesters

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈3/23/2023 2:27:03 pm PDT

re: #119 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

In local news, this morning around 5am my lights dimmed and a very loud but short electrical buzz rang from the cellar. About a minute later, another one did. My Nixie clock reset, as did my modem.

I made my way down to the cellar but didn’t see anything wrong.

Now I know what it is: My electric water heater went to plumbing heaven.

No hot water now.

The plumber will be here tomorrow, where he will see if it actually died (I’m pretty sure it did), and we will bite the bullet and have them install an on-demand water heater ($$$$$!)

Back when I had a house I was very happy with my switch to an on demand heater. It freed up space in my utility room and I never ran out of hot water again.