
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

Dangerman5/28/2024 4:56:25 am PDT

re: #116 Targetpractice

If Trump had treated the case with the seriousness that criminal cases deserve, especially when you’re a rich and/or high profile defendant, then he might have skated with just probation and perhaps a fine. Certainly if he’d had his lawyers talk with Bragg back when the indictment was still fresh, he could probably have worked a plea deal and this whole case would be ancient history in terms of his campaign.

But instead, he’s bitched, moaned, and screamed every step of the way and that’s going to count against him. It’s virtually impossible for Blanche to stand before the jury today and convincingly tell a jury that he’s just a decent guy who panicked and did some legally questionable things. It’s only the decorum of a courtroom and the danger of the judge bringing his gavel down on your head that is going to stop that jury from rolling with laughter. His only real hope at this point is there is a pro-Trump juror in hiding somewhere among the 12.

it’s not just ‘a lone holdout / hung jury’ yes or no

there are 34 individual counts to deal with