
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

J.D.6/20/2009 6:25:42 am PDT
Opponents of the Bush Doctrine, including Obama, first claimed that Arabs, and Muslims in general, are not ready for democracy. Once this was proved not to be the case in so many countries, the same people claimed that democracy would only bring the Islamists to power. However, that, too, was proved wrong. In Pakistan’s latest general election, the Islamist share of the vote shrunk from 11 percent to 3 percent. In Iraq, the Islamist parties were defeated across the board in municipal elections. In Kuwait, the Islamist bloc in the parliament was cut by half. In Lebanon, Hezbollah won 11 of the 128 seats in the parliament, and the coalition under its leadership failed to win a majority.

The statement, “Democracy cannot be imposed by force,” is often made by Obama as if it were the cleverest of philosophical observations. However, we know that democracy can be imposed by force, as happened in West Germany, Japan, and Italy, among other places, after the Second World War. In any case, what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq was not the imposition of democracy by force, but the use of force to remove impediments to democracy. Imagine using force to topple the despots in Burma or Zimbabwe. Would that not remove impediments to democracy?

In the case of Iran, the phrase was used to reduce the debate to a choice between preemptive war, regarded as the original sin, and preemptive surrender. Because we don’t want war with Iran, let us surrender to the mullahs! Opponents of the Bush Doctrine had hoped for “a shot at a democratic election” to prove that there was no need for regime change in Tehran. Something that looked like a free election would have made it easier for Obama to sell his appeasement policy. We now know that the theory of “evolution within the Islamic regime,” so dear to Joe Biden, is pure nonsense. Totalitarian regimes cannot reform themselves.

Light on the Night
Inside Iran.

Obama is a coward.