
No Racism at the Tea Party?

iceweasel9/16/2009 11:10:56 pm PDT

Ooh, brave Dan Riehl.

Yeah, they were technically thugs. But the reality was they were still wannabes really, pretty young, not that big, or many. And if the several adults there for 9/12 actually needed to do something about it, the kids wouldn’t have lasted very long. Maybe if they were bigger, or more numerous, it might have been worse. Or it may not have happened at all. Who knows?

Riehl stoopit.

“Let’s consider what Riehl has just told us. He prefaced his own 9/12 story by referring to it as “dangerous times.” But what did these “dangerous times” consist of? That’s right — a couple of black kids talking smack in the back of a subway car! Dan, is there anything in this world that doesn’t automatically scare you into soiling yourself?”
(comment stolen from another blog, btw)