
Not a Good Day for the GOP

GoatGuy10/20/2009 12:18:14 pm PDT

Oh, come on, Charles…

WAPO says the GOP is suffering from a bad case of political dementia, incontinence, and halitosis? WAPO? Change all the words, and you’ll have something closer to the truth.

I was (just shocked) reading the NewsWeek that just arrived yesterday … wherein there’s an editorial from some permanently employed nutjob that decries the G.O.P. (but in particular CONSERVATIVES) as, and I quote, “the Conservative party is irrelevant”. This was his final take-away in an article otherwise actively promoting the idea that FOX News is so horribly right-slanted that it is UnAmerican (his words and title, not mine).

O, sure.

Well when you’re from the protected matrix of the politically central Big City (Washington DC), all that grass between the District of Columbia and California’s wine country … looks like weeds I guess, in which one would find some pretty distasteful vermin: Conservatives. Snakes. Republicans. Bad for the Nation. UnAmerican.

Un-huh. NOT.

We consider ourselves a necessary expedient in this country: careful enough to not squander our resources, careful enough to keep our democratic republic pretty much on a democratic basis, not socialist. We like our military, we suppor them, we like our flag, and salute it. We’ll also defend the right of freedoms of speech that include burning those flags, pissing on them. Its speech, and we’re free to have it. It is for exactly the same reason that we tend to fight tooth-and-nail for our freedom to think individually, in whatever fashion we want. I think bigots are morally objectionable, but I don’t much object to their sticking their feet into their collective mouths.

That’s why I read LGF: Charles is wise enough to find fault with the asshats on the Right, on the Left, on the North, and the South. He’s wise enough to hold the baked clams responsible for their outbursts of ignonymity and abstreuse maunderings.

So, WAPO? HooDeF*ck cares. They’ve always been a good substitute for Downy toilet paper, in a pinch. Or wrapping fish.
