
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

lawhawk1/05/2010 1:22:07 pm PST

re: #78 DaddyG

Fight indoctrination with indoctrination. Build a buttload of good schools where Mommy and Daddy can send the kidlets for an education and a few good squares - make the state responsible for installing moderate Muslim (and other) instructors. I suspect whoever has the most convenient school building with the best security and lunch programs will win that battle.

The Pakistanis have all but abdicated on that responsibility to educate their kids; they left it to the madrassas that were funded by the Islamists - Saudi Islamists, and are now reaping what was sown. Throw in the fact that the Pakistanis barely control what goes on in the frontier provinces and the mess is multiplied.

And whoever has the most bombs and guns will eventually win out - as seen by the way the Taliban have repeatedly shut down schools that attempt to teach girls, and have gone after teachers who try to educate kids in anything other than Sharia.