
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Stuart Leviton1/05/2010 6:56:54 pm PST

OT: another blog - Hercules Heaves - has posted a story about google molly-coddling Islam. Briefly, the claim is that if you google “Christinaity is”, google will suggest “Christianity is bullshit”. Similar results for all other major religions except Islam. Type in “Islam is” and google suggests nothing.

The blogger goes on to claim that google provides pornography - I’ll take her word for it - as well as allowing Christianity to be defamed along with Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism but when it comes to Islam, google molly-coddles them.

Here’s an experiment for the brave. Enter the words “peanut butter is” on google and you will see that peanut butter is also defamed (ah, finally my turn to apologize to Jimmy Carter). But if you google on “gefilte fish is”, google does not suggest anything. Google’s conduct in all things jihad and gefilte fish has been unconscionable. Is google worried about protecting chrain-ian gefilte fish? I demand an answer.