
The Proudly Ignorant Party

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/07/2010 1:55:53 pm PDT

re: #112 SpaceJesus

Ah geezus:

I’m 54 y.o.. Up until a couple of years ago I always felt I would have been fighting for the Union during the Civil War. Now I am convinced I would jump borders and fight for Dixie. Hmmmm, gee whiz, I wounder what might have caused that shift in my psyche?

A black man was elected President. That changed his psyche.

What an asshole.

As for the lack of ass-kissing and mea culpas about slavery in the proclamation, good for the governor. There’ve been enough apologies over the last fifty years, enough freebies, enough excuses, enough breaks, enough money , enough screeches about “racism!” and enough special treatment for a bunch of losers that just becomes a waste of resources. I’m sick of it and it’s long past time that somebody takes a stand and quits sucking up to these parasites and hustlers.

Not much more needs to be said.