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ausador4/10/2010 11:55:24 pm PDT

re: #117 Gus 802

Sounds like a plan. At least we know how to spell the fools name: M-o-n-c-k-t-o-n. Monckton — also see fraud.

Main Entry: Monckton
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: trickery, deception
Synonyms: artifice, bamboozlement, barratry, blackmail, cheat, chicane, chicanery, con, craft*, deceit, double-dealing, dupery, duping, duplicity, extortion, fake, fast one, fast shuffle, flimflam, fourberie, fraud, fraudulence, graft, guile, hanky-panky, hoax, hocus-pocus, hoodwinking, hustle*, imposture, line, misrepresentation, racket, scam, sell, shakedown, sham*, sharp practice, skunk, smoke*, song and dance, song*, spuriousness, sting, string, swindle, swindling, treachery

/not an actual thesaurus entry (although it should be).