
Amazon Kindle Slugs It Out with the Barnes and Noble Nook

Gus6/21/2010 3:17:41 pm PDT

re: #75 freetoken

A newly published report on another partial skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis today:

New hominid moves back date of walking upright

which informs us that Lucy’s species was walking upright at least 400,000 years before her.

Anyway, the Fox News version of this story:

3.6-Million-Year-Old Fossil Expands Human Family Tree has as 6 of its first 7 comments:

What can I say…

The strong correlation between creationism and wingnuttia is not without cause.

Reading the comments at Fox News is always good for a laugh. Although, Breitbart does provide them with some stiff competition — especially Breitbart dot tv.