
Video: Isaac Asimov Warns of Global Warming in 1989

ausador1/07/2011 7:18:26 pm PST

OT: “Best medical care in the world” my ass, this system sucks. Now they want to kick Dad out of the hospital physical therapy unit early because he isn’t making the “expected progress.”

So I can sign him up for Hospice care and maybe, possibly, bring him home, but he has to give up the chemo treatments that are extending his life. I can send him to a nursing home for extended physical therapy while paying about $42.00 a day (until day 100, then we have to pay it all, over $6,000 a month) also with no chemo. Or I can bring him home with only a daily visit from a nurse not much better than a candy striper to help and somehow attempt to get him to his chemo appointments.

If his skin wasn’t so fragile that it tears when you lift him, and he didn’t weigh 250lbs, option three would be a no brainer. I need to give this some thought and spend the weekend trying to figure out of there is anything else I can do…

All I know is I put Mom in a nursing home for rehab and twelve days later she was dead, I don’t want a repeat. I also know that Dad wants to die at home, I would like to try to make that happen, I just have to figure out how to do it.