
Obama: Libya is Not Iraq

Buck3/29/2011 1:15:35 pm PDT

re: #108 EastSider

so what are your stances on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, and why are you for/against how Bush/Obama has played each?

I Supported / Support all three. I am only having a problem with the way Libya is being run half hearted. I would have supported an action in Darfur, Rwanda, and North Korea just to name a few.

I am a war monger cowboy, just ask Fozzie Bear… he re: #113 SanFranciscoZionist

That’s incorrect. Obama supported the Afghanistan invasion and opposed Iraq. He never ran as a generically ‘anti-war’ candidate, nor did he say he would not deploy U.S. troops as he saw fit.

You sure? Where was he in 2001?…. certainly not anywhere he could have voted to support the war. Easy to say you supported something that you were never asked to put to paper.