
White House Responds to Perry's 'Treasonous' Comment

Gus8/16/2011 11:23:33 am PDT

re: #111 iossarian

I thought so until today, but with this “lynch the fed” stuff today, I’m not sure that Perry will be able to avoid a truly toxic statement over the next few months. I’m not saying today’s comments qualify, by the way, just that they suggest that he’ll say something really stupid.

I’m not a James Carville fan particularly, but I believe he said he likes Republicans like Perry because he’s “none too bright and likes to run his mouth”.

The TGOP is going to eat this stuff up. The rank and file will fall into place much like the did in supporting Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell and especially Rand Paul. Rick Perry speaks their language.

Rick Perry, the “no apologies” candidate

Twelve hours removed from a controversy about his suggestion that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was engaging in “treasonous” behavior Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential campaign didn’t try to walk back the remark. In fact, they doubled down on it.

“The governor was passionate and energized by a full day” on the campaign trail, Perry spokesman Ray Sullivan told the Post’s Dan Balz. Sullivan added that “you’ll just have to listen to what the governor says every day” when asked if the rhetoric was too harsh.

Although Perry’s campaign is only a few days old, the episode provides a telling insight into the Texas governor: he is brash, bold and unapologetic about being so.

And that just might make him a perfect fit for the current Republican primary electorate who is mad as hell and not going to take it anymore…