
Greenwald's Guardian Articles Contain Dozens of Embedded Trackers From Corporate PRISM Participants

gunnison8/13/2013 2:21:09 pm PDT
I have the Ghostery extension installed as well, and it confirms that The Guardian’s pages have 27 different corporate tracking widgets installed.

The most # of trackers that I’ve ever had Ghostery display on

any article at all

in the Guardian is 14.
The XKeyscore piece shows 13 consistently.

Here right now LGF is showing 10.

Other folks I know tell me that Ghostery shows more trackers on their systems than it shows on mine when we’re both on the same web page.
Why is that, anyone know?
Does the ISP make a difference? I don’t know how this stuff works really, but Ghostery on my system routinely gives a lower count than what other people using it say they’re getting.