
Marco Rubio Follows Anti-Science Statements on Climate Change With Even More Anti-Science Statements on Abortion

Vicious Babushka5/15/2014 5:47:41 am PDT

re: #120 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Aside from criticizing TV journalists, I’m amazed that a relatively low-level contract IT person has the skills and operational knowledge to make those judgements about “national security” all by his lonesome. How many different stories has GG offered up about the documents Snowden stole on his way to a Russian asylum bid?

I heard Greenwald on NPR yesterday rattling on and on about how carefully he & Snowflake protected the documents so as not to endanger anyone. Yeah right, not endanger his book sales.

I changed the radio station to traffic/weather alerts instead of punching out the console with my fist.