
The Sickest Right Wing Reaction to the Hobby Lobby Decision

Justanotherhuman6/30/2014 1:06:24 pm PDT

And did WAPO print the worst photo they could find of Rogers? : )

New NSA chief says damage from Snowden leaks can be contained

“In an interview with the New York Times published Monday, Rogers said that the Snowden leaks were a setback for the agency but that he has tried to be “very specific and very measured” in how he describes the damage.


“Rogers also said that he believes the government’s working relationship with companies such as Verizon, AT&T and social media companies have been damaged, perhaps permanently.


“While Rogers said he doesn’t believe that the agency can ever be fully insulated against leaks, he said he is taking steps to change the protocols at the NSA to prevent another leak on the scale of Snowden’s. Changes to the agency’s systems, for example, have been designed to limit the volume of information that could be taken from them, the Times reported.” More