
While We Celebrate: Mike Dawes: "William Shatner's Pants"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines11/07/2020 8:59:28 pm PST

I wonder if Cheeto might try to strike a deal to rat out all the other Republican rats in return for some kind of leniency (not necessarily a pardon). Besides having no loyalty to anything other than himself, Trump has only a perfunctory, opportunistic understanding of Republican values. He is more than a figurehead, but not much more, and others (Barr, McConnell, Miller and various billionaire supporters) were the real masterminds of the worst atrocities.
I really see Trump as more like Goering than Hitler. Although Goering was himself massively guilty, his guilt was always incidental to his personal ambition, while Hitler and characters like Goebbels were committed heart and soul to their evil deeds.
In fact, there may be little reason that Trump, personally, would not try to strike a deal. There is a big question of whether it would be worthwhile to accept.