
An Exceptional Tiny Desk (Home) Concert: Yebba

Florida Panhandler1/30/2022 7:18:51 am PST

re: #28 The Pie Overlord!

Last night’s Nuremberg Rally reveals a Trump that has shook off all the chains that were attempting to hold him back the last time. This display of a raving lunatic proves that Ivanka or any other handlers have lost all control over his conduct and speech writing. Trump will have no handlers capable of reigning him in from now on. Only voices promoting violence and mayhem speak to him now.

This speech was manufactured and ad-libbed by Trump himself and his direct trusted cronies. He has positioned himself as Dear Leader within his sphere and no voice other than the screaming malevolent toddler inside his own head has any sense of control now.

Rest assured, we have now passed even WW2 as the most dangerous period in America as Trump will order US Military hardware and personnel inside US territory to kill US citizens. Trump will order kangaroo court proceedings by compliant AG’s and sycophant DA’s to harass enemies and imprison them without trial. Mass arrests and shootings of protesters will be ordered.

The comparison to WW2 is not hyperbole as Trump will once again have control of nuclear weapons along with his usual host of Evangelical nutjobs screaming in his ear about how he is the Bringer of the Rapture and End Times. As Trump’s age and health decline he will decide to end the world with him. He is this malevolent, and his followers that evil. I know his followers. i grew up under them. They are my family. They were friends growing up. They control small town boards and occupy Governor’s chairs. Much of America has still no idea what 35% of this country actually wants and stands for. They are evil. And they intend to act on that evil.