
When Airbnb Goes Horribly Wrong: "Super Host"

EPR-radar5/25/2024 9:26:24 pm PDT

re: #119 Hecuba’s daughter

I am confused — there is a definite segment of the Libertarian Party that seemed committed to Trump — is this just a different faction? How much of the party is ready to support him to achieve power in the real world?

As I understand it from my admittedly mostly clueless and entirely hostile viewpoint, Libertarians include a wide variety of cranks whose only common feature is loathing of all taxes.

Those anti-tax cranks in the LPUSA who actually care about government overreach will want nothing to do with Trump and the Republicans, correctly seeing them as fascist.

Meanwhile, those anti-tax cranks in the LPUSA who are just Republicans that want to smoke weed will be all in for Trump and the GOP.