
Terrorist vs. Terrorist in Gaza

HoosierHoops8/15/2009 11:11:58 am PDT

Memo to Nike…I bought your cool black sandals…Great idea…A wrap over sandal design with Velco…You set yhem once and it’s a perfect sandal fit..And to make things better they have tread like Goodyear tires on the bottom..Like a real all weather tire…Great work..Cool wicked graphics on the sandals…The swoosh is wicked bad…One little thing…Are you listening Nike?
You put tire tread under the feet…Is that the stupidest idea of all time?
Take a tire…cut it up and walk on the tread for more than 2 minutes…It freaking hurts!
What makes it worse is knowing that the guy that designed this really expensive sandal is Vacationing in the Hamptons in some kind of castle or something…