
National Right to Life Committee Claims Health Bill Would 'Subsidize Abortions' - Bzzzt. False.

iceweasel9/22/2009 7:33:33 pm PDT

re: #115 Jimmah

Last time I saw someone act like this over the mildest of cuss-words here, the deranged pseudo-sanctimonious little freak worked himself up into an apoplectic fury, got himself banned, then registered at 2.0 seconds later and proceeded to call everyone here a bunch of fucking c*nts and whores!

So as far as I’m concerned, wingnuts who pretend to get all light headed over mild swearies can go fuck themselves and stuff their fake piety where the sun don’t shine.

Interesting, isn’t it? It’s the ones who feign moral indignation over a word like ‘damn’ or ‘butthurt’ that turn out to be seekrit and not so seekrit commenters in a shithole like the stalker blog, where they can really get down and get their God on— posting prayer lists mixed in with wishes of harm and violent abusive language about people here.

Just like they pretend to be oh so morally offended that a woman might exercise her right to choose when to become a mother and who to fuck, but have no qualms whatsoever about turning this country into a theocracy where women bleed to death in hotel rooms after trying to self-perform abortions.

Because we can’t force pharmacists to do their fucking jobs, now can we? Oh heavens no. Conscience clause!

Please. They don’t know the meaning of the word ‘conscience’.