
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

SixDegrees10/08/2009 4:44:31 pm PDT

re: #111 freetoken

Speaking of children, parents and medicine, on the AP headlines:

AP Poll: Third of parents oppose swine flu vaccine

Related the story yesterday of overhearing (at the grocery story) two people yammering in full anti-vaxx mode… it is easy for me to believe the AP report.

And interestingly, the overlap between these anti-vaxers and the anti-abortion crowd is non-negligible. On the right, the opposition to vaccines is grounded in a distrust of all science as an afront to religion - see, once again, the Wedge Document for details.

And once they start piling children’s bodies up in the streets because their parents decided God didn’t want ‘em vaccinated, do you think they’ll accept responsibility for their murders?