
Overnight Wave

ryannon11/28/2009 6:45:59 am PST

re: #117 SixDegrees

However, the first study you cited looked for precisely that - a connection between radiation exposure and leukemia - and found none. Instead, it turned up the interesting clue that leukemia has traits similar to an infectious agent.

And as already noted: even if true, so what? The only risk-free state is when you’re dead. How do these risks compare to those of increased incidence of emphysema, pulmonary disease and radiation-induced illness among those living downwind from coal-fired power plants? Or to any of the numerous risks associated with any other form of energy production?

Ok: the higher incidence of leukemia (not counting other cancers) is/was due to “population mixing.” That was their hypothesis and their conclusion. End of story. Except for the population showing the spike in leukemia.

Like I said elsewhere, I sincerely hope you - and other advocates of a nuclear solution to power generation - are right.

Because if you’re not, there will literally be hell to pay.