
Va. Governor McDonnell: Slavery Wasn't 'Significant' Enough to Mention

Walter L. Newton4/07/2010 11:51:45 am PDT

This governor is an asshole… now though, an interesting aside to this topic is the claim made up above by “raisin bran” that there were black confederates in the Civil War.

Charles said “This is FALSE.”

I have found a number of studies and books that claim otherwise, even one published by the University of Virginia.

This study…

This page…

I skimmed the essay, and read the reviews of the books and skimmed the last page. I’m not sure if this is all revisionist history (the book by Jordon seems to be held up as a truthful study), but it interesting that there is a difference of opinion on this.

Does anyone have any info that puts this to bed?