
Rick Perry's Brain is a Chicken Pot Pie

Wozza Matter?8/29/2011 6:59:28 pm PDT

re: #109 lostlakehiker

It wasn’t illegal. What law was broken? Congress approved it. Many things that aren’t that good an idea are nevertheless legal.

And for that matter, though the cost far outstripped the Polyanna estimates, we did overthrow Saddam and that did liberate the Kurds, the Marsh Arabs, the Shia, and countless quietly desperate Sunni who weren’t from Tikrit.

Say what you will about Iraq now, today’s government doesn’t quash demonstrations with nerve gas.

There is the small matter of the genocide unleashed after we invaded……and the fact the Kurds in the North already had too much autonomy for Turkey’s liking.

And that even now substantial violence is on the uptick.