
Astounding: FL Lt. Gov. Bashes Science and Evolution, Calls for Christian Theocracy

Olsonist9/23/2011 11:41:08 am PDT

re: #84 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

There are a lot of Black churches, all quite varied.

Of course.

BTW, that myth was debunked by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force as soon as it came out.

Also, here is the county map for the Prop Hate vote. Not a lot of Blacks in those 70%+ counties.

That map looks like any/every election in CA.

From Wikipedia:

Edison/Mitofsky conducted an exit poll on behalf of the National Election Pool which is the only source of data on voter demographics in California in the 2008 election.[145][146] The statistical trends from the exit poll of 2,240 voters suggested that an array of voters came out both in opposition to and in support of Proposition 8, with no single demographic group making up most of either the Yes or No vote. Support for Proposition 8 was strong amongst African American voters, interviewed in the exit poll with 70% in favor, more than any other racial group.[147] The high-profile candidacy of Barack Obama is credited with increasing black turnout on the bill which has been seen as the crucial difference in its passing.[148][149] Subsequent analysis showed black support at only 58%, still above the 52% support received by all voters.[150][151] Those who described themselves as religious were the strongest supporters of prop 8.[152] Young voters were more likely to have voted against the ballot measure than older voters, while Republicans were more likely to have supported the measure than were Democrats.[153]

Also, see this report

Second, we examine the African American vote for Proposition 8. We provide evidence showing that while African Americans supported Proposition 8 more than voters as a whole, they did not do so in the overwhelming numbers suggested by one exit poll. We show that black support for Proposition 8 can largely be explained by African Americans’ higher levels of religiosity a characters strongly associated with opposition to same-sex marriage.