
Overnight Open Thread

avspatti3/10/2009 1:20:17 pm PDT

re: #1208 Jimmah

No, any bigoted bashing is a no-no here. However, well deserved criticism of the idiocy and evils of fundamentalists and extremists is very much in season. If you want to identify with that lot, that’s your problem.

All fundamentalists are not extremists. For example, those who believe that the Constitution should be adhered to and not considered a ‘living document’ are fundamentalists. Fundamentalists are people who strongly believe in the fundamentals (basic concepts and ideas) of something. Of course, there are some Christians who are extreme, but many others who consider themselves fundamentalists are simply choosing to believe in the concepts and ideas found in the Bible. Whether you agree or not, they are being faithful to what they believe. Except for the extremists, they are harming nobody. Some respect would be helpful so that we all can continue to enjoy discussing things here.