
Overnight Open Thread

happycamper3/10/2009 1:47:57 pm PDT

re: #1211 Jimmah

My point wasn’t about “attention seeking twerps”. It was about the atmosphere that empowers people like you and kilgore to say things to or about people that you would NEVER say to their faces. I’ll bet you and people like kilgore are kind people in public; you probably let the person in their car exiting the gas station to merge in front of you; I’ll bet you would even enjoy a fun debate with people like me who believe in the rapture. What I don’t believe is that you or kilgore would insult someone in person just because you disagree with them, so why do it online? It makes what should be a fun place suck. If I wanted to visit places that suck I would be reading kos or huffpo more. Am I being unrealistic to expect more from the lizard community?