
Overnight Open Thread

Kenneth6/01/2009 9:59:18 am PDT

re: #1189 Cato the Elder

You are correct to point out that the words “Islam” and “salaam” come from the same root word. Because of that, the meaning of “peace” in Arabic is closer in meaning to the English word “pacified”, which is similar in meaning to “submission”. I was intentionally taking liberties with meanings, but I think you understand my point: when the Arab world talks about wanting “peace” (salaam) in the Middle East, they mean they want Israel to submit (islam) to Muslim dominance.

You example of “do & don’t” makes a poor argument. The addition of the negative “not” reverses the meaning of the root word. The difference in meaning between “Islam” and “salaam” is much less than the difference between “islam” and its antonym “harb” (war).