
WATCH LIVE: Hillary Clinton Rally With President Obama in Charlotte, North Carolina

EPR-radar7/05/2016 1:55:03 pm PDT

re: #112 Blind Frog Belly White

I’ve seen the word ‘evil’ used so much - generally by the Right to describe practically anything they hate - that I avoid it, mostly. I reserve it for the intentional infliction of unnecessary suffering, solely for one’s own pleasure or benefit.

Viewed this way, Trump is more dangerous than evil, because he doesn’t really care about the effects of the demons he’s raising, beyond their ability to get him votes. He’s happy to appeal to the worst in white Americans and to inflame their bigotry if it gets him votes. If innocent people suffer, he doesn’t care.

I don’t even think he believes a lot of what he says. He apparently, in his unscripted speeches, basically goes where the audience leads. That is, he starts talking and listens to what gets applause, then he goes there. It’s no wonder his supporters say he says what they’ve been thinking. They’re absolutely right.

I also try to be sparing in my use of the term “evil”. In the case of Trump and the Republicans, I believe it fits.

The cornerstone of Trump’s campaign is scapegoating others for political purposes. Just like the Nazis did in Weimar Germany when they still needed to do well in elections.

As you aptly say above, Trump is summoning demons, and once that fact is established, I don’t care whether Trump is a true believer or merely an opportunist.