
The Bob & Chez Show: Spinbot

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines11/01/2016 9:57:23 pm PDT

Kook-o-Rama at Free Republic! They’re always nuts, of course, but this one sets a new standard.

They are past advocating a coup and are now claiming that one has already occurred:

SR 1309 - Silent Counter-Coup by 17 Intel Agencies To Stop Crooked Clintons

Good evening, I’m still reporting on an ongoing counter-coup being run by patriotic members of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies to stop the Clinton Crime syndicate from proceeding with the rigging of the coming election. According to a 4 minute video, done by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a Harvard and MIT-educated psychiatrist who has written 26 New York Times Best Sellers, the Clinton coup has been put down by an intelligence community counter-coup, effective at noon today. Dr. Pieczenik has great contacts in the American intelligence community.

Note that in marked contrast to the usual RWNJ tin foilery, the claimants actually support this conspiracy.