
Donald Trump Takes a Clear Side in the Bomb Attacks

goddamnedfrank10/25/2018 1:50:31 pm PDT

re: #116 ObserverArt

I agree, but do not count him out as far as a good run. And fund raising will be no problem for him. I bet he is already getting backers contacting him. He has huge connections to the Republican machine.

The problem isn’t fundraising connections, it’s that the people Kasich knows are cowards who have profited from this administration’s tax cuts. The last thing they want is to be seen as traitors by a potentially re-elected and highly vindictive Trump. The only way their sense of self interest tilts towards backing a challenger is if Trump already appears fatally wounded, and since the GOP base has been more than willing to condone multiple Trump scandals that would have destroyed any other President I don’t see the mental calculus changing. At this point even if Mueller comes back with incontrovertible proof of a conspiracy with Russia and a recommendation for impeachment I think it will only harden his support within the GOP, because literally nothing matters to them anymore except venting their white nationalist spleens.