
Stunning: Luca Stricagnoli: "The Weeknd" Ft. Daft Punk: "I Feel It Coming"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/28/2020 10:21:33 pm PDT

re: #119 Targetpractice

It really says a lot about how comfortable wingnuts have become with their inner fascists that 4 years ago, they’d have been in a rush to declare Rittenhouse “mentally ill” while Dim Jim Hoft dug through any public records in the search for proof that he was a “radical liberal terrorist” and Faux engaged in hysterics about how Dems needed to denounce themselves for “violent rhetoric.”

Now? Now they feel comfortable to just drop the mask and clinch the armbands while humming “Horst-Wessel-Lied.”

I noticed that too. Not even a lame attempt to suggest Rittenhouse was mentally ill or Antifa.