
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

DeliLama1/30/2009 6:24:21 pm PST

Evolution is fact, supported by huge amounts of evidence. The methods by which evolution takes place have been misunderstood at times, but that doesn’t nullify evolution itself.

For myself, I believe in science. It’s a method for discovering the truth which has been fantastically successful. But science is a very sharp sword that cuts all fixed beliefs. It serves no one. Christians (perhaps correctly) see it as a partially-competing religion and they also correctly see evolutionary biology as a terrible acid which burns away many important foundations that have held up civilization. It’s unfortunate, but it can’t be helped or stopped.

Not everyone needs to be an evolutionary biologist. And not everyone can redesign their religion to accept the consequences of it. As I mentioned above, Charles Darwin himself was a Bible quoting creationist. If you can view yourself as just a side-effect, just a means for genetic material to propagate, then you can claim to be on the side of evolution. Life forms are merely unimportant short-lived tools, disposable containers for genetic material which is essentially immortal when you think about it.

I say let creationists live in their little world, but fight them vigorously in the public educational system when they attack science. Perhaps one day science will allow us to rise above our genes, to control them instead of having them control us.