
Christopher Hitchens on the UN's Anti-Blasphemy Resolution

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/01/2009 4:07:00 pm PST

Having Russia and China on that comission is a way for them to play cold war with the US. Old tradtionis die hard.

For China, they are super sensitive about the fact that the world notices their less than savory practices. Being their allows them to deflect attention from themselves.

For Russia it is to curry favor with the Islamists and to try to counter the US in the Middle East in much the same chess game they tried to play in the ’60s. Russia sees a strategic military and economic advantage from such an alliance. They foolishly believe that they can control the Islamists, but then again given the “gentle nature” of Russian rule, maybe they could if they decided to kill enough people. All the more ironic when they are on the human rights comission.

Cuba is there simply because pissing on America makes them happy for any number of historical reasons. Actually, that statement applies to all of them to a greater or lesser extent.

Israel is a fabulous proxy target. They can attack American interests in the region by attacking our ally. They draw attention form themselves and they each push their own political and economic agandas under a veneer of propaganda that hs been lended legitimacy from a UN stamp.