
Five Years Since the Madrid Bombings

yma o hyd3/11/2009 9:41:51 am PDT

re: #86 realwest

“Have a look at the age of those killed - only five - that is right, five! - are over sixty.
The rest are all in their best years,”

I BEG YOUR PARDON? When did we start to apportion the value of lives based on age?
Oh wait, that’s right, your a victim of Nationalized Health care and have been inured to thinking that way.

Sorry, {rw}!

Didn’t mean to be age-ist, or devalue people over sixty (I’m one of them, after all!) - its just that we have been blessed with a life to look back on, and those young victims had theirs taken before it truly began.
Its this pitifulness which tugs my heartstrings - devaluing people because of their age was furthest from my mind.

I am truly sorry if I offended you!