
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

122 6:26:38 am PDT
BlackMagic63: RT @WomanWrites RT BREAKING NEWS mausoleum Khameini been hit by bomb. #iranelection #Tehran #GR88 #Mousavi

belfastangel: Bomb are not part Mousavi protests, may be other groups such as MKo or gov itself. #iranelection #Tehran #GR88 #Mousavi

RT @Rduk Blast at Khomeini Shrine: laying the blame on protesters —> legitimation to mass killing #iranelection #gr88
less than a minute ago from web

MoraJamesLaw: RT @oxfordgirl: Police use tear gas and water cannon at Enghelab sq, raging battles being reported Press TV. #iranelection #Tehran #GR88 …