
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

sattv4u26/20/2009 9:44:23 am PDT

re: #113 alegrias

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Hello, Iran is a POLICE STATE. Iran’s terrorist leadership hardly welcomed a free democracy next door.

Like Pres. Obama, Iran’s mullahs were comfy dealing with the terrorist Saddam regime they knew.

Iran’s freedom desiring people could hardly speak up in a POLICE STATE until recently.

Hello, I was replying to YOUR post as to why the Iraqis aren;’t in the streets in solidarity if the Iranians. I simply told you FACTUALLY that the Iranians didn;t take to the streets in support of the Iraqis post Saddam. I simply told you FACTUALLY that there is still no love lost betewwn the two countries. I simply told you FACTUALLY that the Iraqi’s still are dealing with Iranians who were sent into Iraq to disrupt their march towards democracy