
National Right to Life Committee Claims Health Bill Would 'Subsidize Abortions' - Bzzzt. False.

Axiom9/22/2009 7:37:12 pm PDT


This is a gutter obscenity.

Conscience clauses are a backdoor way for the anti-choice people to gain a foothold. It’s really pretty simple: if you’re going to be a doctor or a pharmacist, you’d damn well better make sure your conscience allows for that before you get your qualifications.

This is a reasonable opinion.

If you are saying that most of the country is not for a complete ban on abortions, you are correct. But most of the country does not like the current situation either. I think most want to prevent it, except under special circumstances.

They both come from the same keyboard of iceweasel. The reasonable view has actual data to support it. The obscenity has nothing short of malthusian fantasy data.