
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion10/11/2009 4:20:46 pm PDT

re: #99 Dark_Falcon

I’ve always had mixed feeling about V for Vendetta. Guy Fawkes is kind of questionable as a hero. He planned a terrorist bombing for religious reasons. Had he been successful, England would have had no government and thus would have been exposed to invasion by France and Spain. Had Fawkes succeeded, the English Law system from which America’s legal tradition springs might have never fully come into being.

It’s one of those movies if you purposely dumbdown the political side of your brain, it’s enjoyable. I had a hard time doing it with this. The original comics by Alan Moore were a product of TDS (Thatcher Derangement Syndrome). The Wachowskis took that and turned it into a thinly veiled Bush-bashing film. Even Alan Moore himself was irate about that. Quoted in wiki:

“[The movie] has been “turned into a Bush-era parable by people too timid to set a political satire in their own country… It’s a thwarted and frustrated and largely impotent American liberal fantasy of someone with American liberal values standing up against a state run by neoconservatives—which is not what the comic V for Vendetta was about. It was about fascism, it was about anarchy, it was about England.”