
Video: Chris Matthews Interviews Leader of 'Oath Keepers'

Scottish Dragon10/21/2009 1:33:17 pm PDT

re: #112 CyanSnowHawk

OT: Anybody else got a problem with the gov’t dictating upper limits to private sector pay?

U.S. Said to Order Deep Pay Cuts at Bailed-Out Companies

I can’t be the only one thinking this is a bad idea, and excellent justification for all the banks that wanted to refuse the bail-out money forced on them last year.

NO, I have no problem with it at all. If they want our tax dollars to bail them out of a hole of their own making, then they can get rid of multi million dollar bonuses to the assholes who created the mess to begin with.

I am sick to death of the “masters of the universe” telling us mortals to shut up and let them go back to rigging financial systems, running roughshod through our 401k’s and then giving themselves preposterous payments for screwing us all over.