
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

albusteve1/03/2010 10:39:12 am PST

re: #110 bj

You take all the offense you want. What is this, jump on bj day at LGF? Geez, I’ve never had such attention. Don’t you people have lives? Can’t you let others have their own opinions? Do you not appreciate where others are coming from?

I don’t have a shoeshine man “in my building”. I shine my own shoes in my own paid for home. One of my neighbors, in his own paid for home, is a local shoeshine personage and a friend of mine. He thoroughly enjoys his job and can sing and dance with the best of them while shining shoes - to the applause and accolades of his audience at the local airport. He’s a human being regardless of the job he does, that his daddy and his granddaddy did. We work out dance routines together. Imagine that!! At our ages.

good point, but that does not defend the context and meaning of the picture, which is clearly racist…in view of stuff that preceded it, like the Condi Rice pictures, how can it be otherwise?…however important or how much attention it gets is not the point…why else would somebody shop this pic and post it?….there is brazen racism in the air and this pic is part of it