
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

Cato the Elder7/23/2010 4:59:57 pm PDT

What the shittards on the right want to keep ultra, ultra seekrit is the plain fact that in America, like in every other country, it’s never really been about race so much as it’s been about class.

Yes, class, the ultra, ultra forbidden word.

If poor whites and blacks and Asians and Hispanics once forgot about their grudges, and took a good, hard look at one another, and another good, hard look at the ones who keep them down, the enemy would be toast.

And who is the enemy?

John Kerry, for one. And every member of Skull and Bones, living or dead. And Justice Thomas. And that famous advocate of poor people, John Edwards. And Rupert Murdoch, may his head rest on a pike. And Glenn Beck. And Andrew “Soul Patch” Breitbart. And Michelle Malkin. And Ann “Orexia” Coulter. And everybody who has ever shaken hands with Robert Spender or Pam “Harpeia ululans americana” Geller. Feel free to add to the list.

I know I’m breaking a Great American Taboo by even raising the issue of class.

Expect a mocking poem soon.