
Experts Believe N. Korea Had Outside Help for Nuke Site

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/23/2010 3:07:51 pm PST

Esther’s new book is out:

Palin book sets out her “commonsense” platform


She believes federal taxes are a Washington “power grab” which should abolished, wants prayers allowed in schools and wants to overturn what President Barack Obama sees as his biggest legislative achievement — healthcare reform.


And on taxes, she shows her Tea Party stripes.
“America hasn’t always had an income tax,” she writes, noting the first such tax was in 1861 to fund the Civil War and was later repealed. “It wasn’t until 1913 that the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution was ratified and the individual federal income tax that we know today was created.”


It’s sounding rather… Paulian.