
Rick Santorum's Dinner With a White Nationalist

Tigger20052/10/2012 3:35:24 pm PST

re: #110 Killgore Trout

It’s actually pretty surprising that we don’t see more stories like the sniper thing of the Taliban pissing video. People in war zones have never been politically correct or sensitive. It’s a very different world from the one we live in. In am age when everyone has a camera and uploading to the internet is easy I’m surprised that these incidents aren’t more frequent.

However, things have changed a great deal since Vietnam, with digital cameras and recorders and a global network that can flash any image or video around the world at the speed of light. Soldiers must be taught that they are on the front lines of a propaganda war as well as a hot war, and they must fight it almost as well as they fight with guns. It sucks to have to add that responsibility to their burden but it is just reality. This kind of crap can prolong wars and get people killed.