
Overnight Open Thread

happycamper3/10/2009 2:21:52 pm PDT

re: #1213 Naso Tang

There is nothing “Christian” in that type of worldview. Where do you stand?

At the risk of being pummeled by the tolerant people like you on this thread, I get my worldview on this subject NOT from Falwell, but from Matthew 24:36-41; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:52. I happen to believe in the promises as well as the warnings in the Bible, and I guess you would call me a “fundamentalist” for this. That’s fine. I just found it difficult to pick and choose what I want to believe in the Bible, so I’ll rely on faith. And guess what? I do believe in heaven and hell and would never presume where God would send you or anybody else.

Now, am I still welcome to post on this or any other thread, or do I need to leave because you find my beliefs “insulting or vulgar”?